Checks, credit cards and cash are accepted, and payments can be billed once a month or as you request. A credit card on file and authorization to charge for services rendered are taken at the time of service. Accounts are maintained and secured with QuickBooks, Inc.
If you need a statement for services rendered, they will be available by request only. Please let me know ahead of time and those can be transmitted electronically when payments are received.
By signing the Consent to Treat, you are also acknowledging that if a balance accrues and I am unable to collect payments due or a payment plan is not established, you understand that a collections agency, Revenue Enterprises, will be notified.
I appreciate a 24-hour notice if you need to cancel. It is important for me to offer as many sessions per week to my patients as possible and this notice of cancellations allows me to fill your session if needed. A $100 cancellation fee may be incurred in 24-hour notice is not given. It is understood that for both parties weather conditions, illness and/or emergencies are unpredictable and make it difficult to give one another a 24-hour notice and no fee will be incurred.
Thank you for respecting the above guidelines. I look forward to working with you!